Report of the XIX Congress of the Italian Society of Tobaccology
Pubblicato: 2024-05-10

Journalism Award Report

Redazione scientifica Magazine di Fondazione “Umberto Veronesi”


The winners of the third “Tobacco and Health” Journalism Award, promoted by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation and Italian Society of Tobaccology (SITAB), have been awarded. Among the topics addressed were disposable e-cigs. (...)


The winners of the third “Tobacco and Health” Journalism Award, promoted by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation and Italian Society of Tobaccology (SITAB), have been awarded. Among the topics addressed were disposable e-cigs.

Promoting independent and quality information on tobacco smoking: these are the objectives of the National Journalism Award “Tobacco and Health” promoted by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation and SITAB. On Thursday 12 October 2023, during the XIX SITAB National Congress, the winning journalists were awarded.

Press and web category: Stefania Villa for the report Disposable e-cigs purchased on the web: 10 out of 15 do not have authorization to sell. An in-depth investigation into the reality of a rapidly expanding market with extremely diverse products that often escape regulations and controls. Report published in on 11 July 2023.

Audio and video category: Elena Cestino for the report Free from smoke, broadcasted on 3 February 2023 on TG Leonardo RAI. Combining clarity and scientific correctness, the service outlined the current context of smoking product consumption and presented the European signature collection initiative to create a tobacco-free environment and the first tobacco-free European generation by 2030.

Two special mentions were also awarded to Cristina Da Rold (Infodata of Il Sole 24 Ore), for her commitment to dealing with the phenomenon of smoking through data journalism, and to Simona Cortopassi (Ok Salute e Benessere and podcast The Good-Nighter) for the exploration of new tools and languages.

Among the topics at the center of attention, therefore, are the new and brand-new smoking products, tobacco control measures between market irregularities and tax issues, and the impact on the environment and on people’s physical and mental health. A complex and rapidly evolving reality that quality journalism is called upon to tell with rigor and professionalism, also experimenting with new formats (this year the inclusion of podcasts in the call for participation).

The jury, composed of experts from the world of medicine, research, and journalism, evaluated the general interest and originality of the work, the quality of the content, the appropriateness of the message to the public, and the impact. Skills and commitment that must be recognized and valued: see you at the 2024 edition! .

Jury: Diego Antonelli (Deputy Director of Rai News 24), Donatella Barus (Director of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation Magazine), Roberto Boffi (Head of S.S.D. Pneumology at Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano, President-elect of SITAB), Franco Marchetti (Vice-President of UNAMSI), Luigi Ripamonti (Director of Corriere Salute - Corriere della Sera), Giulia Veronesi (Director of the Robotic Thoracic Surgery Programme at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan), Vincenzo Zagà (Past President of SITAB, Director of Tabaccologia). The jury was chaired by Maria Sofia Cattaruzza (Associate Professor of Hygiene at La Sapienza University of Rome, President of SITAB)


Donatella Barus

Redazione scientifica Magazine di Fondazione “Umberto Veronesi”

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